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Yemen's domestic turmoil amid regional rivalries
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has unleashed a humanitarian crisis there, had also brought about an indirect effect far away. The war in Yemen, which is in its Eighth year, killed more civilians than the one in Ukraine, almost Nine Thousand, yet the poor population there is out of sight and out of mind. On a basic level, it is a civil war between Yemenites, but on another one it is fought between Saudi Arabia and Iran, whether through air strikes or the provision of drones and missiles. An inter-Yemeni dialogue was recently launched in Riyadh, but it is boycotted by the Iranian-backed Houthies, which the Biden administration failed in trying to placate. What is the state of lethal play in the battlefield and around the negotiating table?
Guests Dr. Haim Koren, Former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt and lecturer at Reichman Herzliya, Dr. Fadi Essmaeel, Research Fellow at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Reichman Herzliya, and Amir Oren, TV7 Editor at Large, Host of TV7 Watchmen Talk & Powers in Play.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.