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Turkey-Israel relations
President Yitzhak Herzog’s visit to Ankara earlier this month was an important milestone in a long road back to a sensible relationship between Israel and Turkey. There was a strategic love affair between the two nations in the 1990’s, but it turned into an acrimonious divorce after Tayep Recep Erdogan came to power. With new political and economic realities in the Levant and the Eastern Mediterranean, Erdogan’s initiative to warm the chilly relationship seems to have an initial success, but a lot still has to happen in order to translate words into deeds and ceremonies into policy.
Joining us from Istanbul, Turkey is Mr. Yusuf Erim, TRT World Editor at large. Also joining us from central Israel are Col. (Ret.) Dr. Eran Lerman, Co-host TV7 Middle East Review, Powers-in-Play Panelist, JISS VP and Editor in Chief of the Jerusalem Strategic Tribune
and Amir Oren, TV7 Editor at Large, Host of TV7 Watchmen Talk & Powers in Play.
Studio Jerusalem
Serien ger tittaren en djupare förståelse av aktuella händelser i Israel och Mellanöstern. Expertsamtalen leds av Jonathan Hessen, nyhetsankare på TV7 Israel News.